Drama Reviews, Taiwanese Dramas

Drama Review: Lost Romance (浪漫輸給你)

Lost Romance (浪漫輸給你) is an imperfect but lovable 2020 Taiwanese rom-com. During a summer of isolation (thanks COVID-19), it was exactly the kind of weekly escapism I needed to get by. I started watching because of the premise and Marcus Chang, but it was really Vivian Sung as Zheng Xiao En who stole my heart.… Continue reading Drama Review: Lost Romance (浪漫輸給你)

Drama Recaps, Taiwanese Dramas

Recap: Fall in Love with Me (Ep. 1)

After the dramatic tearjerker that was Goblin, I needed something light and fun to watch so I decided to delve back into Taiwanese dramas and give Fall in Love with Me (爱上两个我) a chance. I only put this drama on my to-watch list because of Aaron Yan--otherwise it seemed a bit too cliché for me--but it's off… Continue reading Recap: Fall in Love with Me (Ep. 1)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Quick Recap: To Be With You 最佳女配 (Ep. 1)

Webdramas seem to be all the rage these days, with very little (English) info on them. I was trying to translate the summary of To Be With You (最佳女配) while looking for a new show to watch, and after watching the trailer, I wanted to make sure I understood what was going on in the show,… Continue reading Quick Recap: To Be With You 最佳女配 (Ep. 1)