Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 21)

Zi Qiu and Ling Xiao each acknowledge their feelings for Jian Jian and decide to do something about it, but express it in very different ways... Recap Tang Can connects the dots about Ling Xiao liking a classmate who is two years younger than her and guesses... herself. No one else takes her guess seriously.… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 21)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 20)

Zhuang Bei guesses that Zi Qiu likes Jian Jian, though he tries to deny it. Ling Xiao doesn't return on time, but Jian Jian is forced to put on a smile and entertain her relatives for her mother's death anniversary. Recap Ran shows up at Zi Qiu's coffee shop again to meet with a friend.… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 20)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 19)

Zi Qiu continues to be suspicious of Ran, but nothing he says or does can convince Jian Jian. Ling Xiao leaves for Singapore as Ming Yue becomes more certain that she's the one he likes and decides to do something about it. Recap Ran camps out at Zi Qiu's coffee shop, using fellow female patrons… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 19)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 18)

Jian Jian, Ling Xiao, and Zi Qiu are finally back on good terms again and acting like the siblings they were as children. But Jian Jian and Zi Qiu soon learn that Ling Xiao has been lying to his mother and sister this whole time, and that time is running out for Ling Xiao to… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 18)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 17)

Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu each have their own ways of avoiding Jian Jian after her outburst at dinner. But an accident brings them back together. Meanwhile, Tang Can reluctantly lets her parents back into her life despite her best efforts to distance herself from them. Recap Jian Jian returns home after a long day… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 17)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 16)

Jian Jian's new boyfriend doesn't seem to be the conman that Zi Qiu and Ling Xiao feared, but they still don't like him and try to get her to break up with him. Jian Jian gets tired of Zi Qiu and Ling Xiao trying to insert themselves into her perfectly good life, and lashes out… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 16)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 15)

Jian Jian continues to try and maintain her distance from her brothers even as they do their best to insert themselves into her life. None of Jian Jian's friends approve of her choice of boyfriend, especially Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu, who grow suspicious of their lack of in-person interaction, but Jian Jian seems unconcerned.… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 15)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 14)

Jian Jian still feels awkward around Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu, but decides to at least pretend to be nice to them, for her father's sake. Zi Qiu finally returns home and realizes how much he missed while he was gone. Ling Xiao avoids his mother. Recap Jian Jian tells her friends that her brothers… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 14)

Drama Recaps, Taiwanese Dramas

Recap: Lost Romance (Ep. 14)

We finally learn more about Qing Feng and what's going on inside his head! While Ao Ran waits for Xiao En, Xiao En is getting dinner with Qing Feng. He tells Xiao En about his past and gives her a warning about what will happen if she chooses Ao Ran. Recap Su Shan and Qiu… Continue reading Recap: Lost Romance (Ep. 14)

Chinese Dramas, Drama Recaps

Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 13)

Awkward is the word of this episode. Everywhere she turns, Jian Jian finds herself running unexpectedly into Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu and feeling incredibly awkward. They seem to want to talk to her, but she always ends up running away. Recap Jian Jian tries to flee before her dentist appointment, but Ming Yue wrestles… Continue reading Recap: Go Ahead (Ep. 13)